Club Constitution


The Club shall be known as St Austell Camera Club


Subject to Resolution by Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, the club shall be affiliated to the Cornwall Photographic Alliance' (CPA), and or the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain' (PAGB), through the 'Western Counties Photographic Federation' (WCPF).


  • To promote and foster all aspects of photographic endeavour amongst members.
  • To support and encourage individuals whether novices or workers in the field.
  • To maintain a friendly, positive atmosphere for the benefit of all members.
  • To encourage visits by individuals and groups to and from clubs and associations with similar interests.
  • To organise competitive and non-competitive events for the participation and enjoyment of all members.


Membership of the club shall be open to any person above the age of 14 interested in, or practicing photography, as an amateur or professional, who actively supports the Clubs objectives. Any person under the age of 18 [Youth member] wishing to become a club member must first provide the signature of a parent or guardian giving approval to the application.

Honorary Membership may be granted at the discretion of the committee. Honorary and Youth members may participate in all club functions and activities but cannot vote, hold office or serve on the Management Committee. Youth members may however enter SACC competitions. A parent or guardian must accompany youth members at all club activities, excepting that youth members, who are at least 16 and have provided a parent or guardian’s written approval, may attend regularly scheduled meetings alone.

Upon recommendation by the Committee Life Membership may be granted to any person for their photographic contribution to the club activities over a lengthy period. The award of lifetime membership requires the support of a majority of the current members. Life membership entitles the holder full membership rights for the lifetime of that member without the requirement to pay membership subscriptions.

Membership of the club implies an undertaking to comply with and abide by the rules and constitution of the club.

The committee shall have the power, after due consideration, to terminate membership.


All subscriptions shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting, and shall be payable at the start of each Season. Receipts shall be issued by the Honorary Treasurer. Youth members and members joining on or after the 3rd December (i.e. mid-season) may pay a reduced subscription at the discretion of the Honorary Treasurer Management Committee.


The club shall maintain Insurance cover in accordance with the recommendations of the PAGB.


7.1 The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by a management committee consisting of: President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Competition Secretary, Webmaster and such named Officers as may be deemed necessary and up to five ordinary members.

7.2 The Committee shall be subject to re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

7.3 With the exception of Honorary or Youth members every member is eligible to be nominated to serve on the Committee in their chosen capacity provided that their nomination is received by the Hon Secretary by 8:00 pm two weeks immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting.

7.4 Where a post is formally contested at the AGM the nominations will be subject to a secret ballot amongst those members attending the AGM together with any proxy votes cast.

7.5 Subject to 7.4 above: -

Elected Committee Officers initially serve for a period of two years and any committee Officer still within their first two years of office will automatically be put forward for re-election unless they decline or seek election to another position

A Committee Officer who has already completed two years in office will still be eligible to continue in post on an annual basis.

Ordinary members initially serve for twelve months but are eligible for nomination on an annual basis.

7.6 In the event of limited committee numbers an officer may serve in more than one capacity.

7.7 Should any member not be available to attend the AGM they may elect a proxy vote in advance to be added at the AGM.


Committee meetings shall be convened at the request of the President or at least two other Committee Members. All committee members shall be given notice of meetings.

The Committee shall be given the power to form sub-committees for special purposes and may co-op up to two ordinary members to serve on such sub committees.

The President and Vice President shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees.


A minimum of five members shall form a quorum at committee meetings.

At Annual General and Special Meetings one third of the total membership shall form a quorum.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held towards the close of each season. Business shall include the minutes of the previous AGM, Annual reports from the Officers, a statement of Accounts, the election of Officers and Committee Members, and Any Other Business at the Chair person's discretion. Each member shall have one vote. The Chairperson may exercise a casting vote if necessary.


A Special General Meeting may be called by the President or on receipt of a requisition signed by not less than one quarter of the membership. Such requisitions must contain full details of the matters to be discussed. At least seven days notice shall be given.


All monies received on behalf of the Club shall be kept in safe custody by the Honorary Treasurer.


Amendments to the Constitution shall be made at the Annual General meeting, or at a Special Meeting convened specifically for this purpose.

Notices of any proposed amendment shall be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting.


While the intention is that St. Austell Camera Club remains a friendly and supporting environment, differences of opinions do occur on occasion. In the event of a disagreement arising, the following procedure should be adhered to:

Only fully paid Members of SACC can raise a complaint, members are not permitted to raise a complaint on behalf of others.

The nature of such issue should be raised with the President, in writing, via the Presidents email address. This can only be accepted during the ‘active season’ where paid membership is valid. The season runs from the first Thursday in September until the first Thursday in May, this is where the paid membership ends. The President will use their best efforts to resolve the issue, keeping the complainant abreast of developments. Any members involved will be given due warning of the need to discuss the issues. If the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved in this way, the Committee will investigate the nature of the issue and give their ruling. The result of any such ruling shall be binding and absolute. In the event of the grievance concerning the current President, the email should be sent to the Vice President, where it will be dealt in the same way, but omitting the participation from the President. The issue will be shared with the rest of the serving committee, where their decision will be final.

Where a member of SACC has a grievance against a singular committee member, the individual committee member will be omitted from any participation in the investigation until it is appropriate to conduct the investigation with their cooperation. The issue will be shared with the serving committee, whose decision will be final. If in the event an individual has a grievance with the whole serving committee, the issue would still need to be discussed within the committee, with a fair and constructive investigation. This will then be shared at an arranged time with the membership of SACC. It must be said, the decision will be final.

It is a reminder that we are a photography enthusiasts club, no one should be actively trying to provoke, harass or upset any other member. Therefore, the statement below is reiterated.

St. Austell Camera Club operates a zero-tolerance policy. Therefore, any act of antisocial, discriminative or abusive behaviour within the Club will not be tolerated. A breach of this policy may result in membership of the individual being withdrawn from the Club and no money refunded. This will be at the sole discretion of the Committee. Any decision made by the Committee will be final.


In the event of anything occurring not provided for, or not clear in the foregoing rules, the Committee shall have the power to deal with such matters at its discretion.


runs from the first Thursday in September to the first Thursday in May where the AGM is the final meeting. Note * The membership Fee covers only the actual season (September to May – See above).

The out of season months – May to August – volunteers of the committee arrange ‘Ad Hoc’ meetings out and about the local area on a Thursday evening or on a weekend for a photographic walk. These are not included within the membership but an exercise by St. Austell Camera Club to encourage new and seasonal members to learn more about photography and discover new venues. Individuals attending these outings do so at their own risk.

St. Austell Camera Club have no legal requirement to hold insurance for these casual outings.


In the unlikely event of the dissolution of the Club, all surplus funds shall be transferred to such organisations, that the Committee shall in its absolute discretion decide. In the event of such a decision, all assets of the Club are to be realised and transferred as outlined above, subject to payment to any outstanding debts incurred by the Club or its members or Officers in connection with the operation of the Club.

The Club may be dissolved only by of three quarters of the membership present at a Special Meeting called for that purpose. Such a meeting shall appoint a Liquidator to handle the disposal of the funds and assets.