Privacy Policy


St Austell Camera Club (SACC) is a voluntary Club, run as described in the SACC Constitution found on the Club's website. SACC holds personal data provided by Club Members to help with the legitimate interests of running the Club effectively, under the Data Protection Act 2018 (which incorporates the European Union General Data Protection Regulations, GDPR).


The Club collects and holds membership information such as name, address, telephone number(s), e-mail address, date of joining, photos submitted for competitions and events, competition scores, and other information needed for regular Club activities. Member's data is used for the administration of SACC's membership, communication of information including SACC matters, third-party events, and organisation of Club events. We also collect records of entries, images, scores, and awards for competitions & exhibitions.

Photographs submitted for SACC competitions may be posted onto the Club's social media platforms - please inform the Committee if you do not want your competition images shared on the Club's social media.

The Club also keeps records of Members of the Committee, people offering their services to the Club (such as judges and lecturers), past members and prospective members, to help with the running of the Club. From time to time we may circulate information from affiliated photographic organisations which may be of interest to members, or information about photography activities or events approved by a member of the Committee.

What This Means in Practice

We may list the names and positions of the Committee Members on the Club website, as well as any contact information which they agree to being published. The Club Programme is also available on the web site, including the names of anyone presenting or judging. We also may publish the images submitted for competitions, with members names and scores.

The Committee has controlled access to a list of current, past and prospective members which is kept in a secure manner: The Membership List is used by the Committee to communicate with members about Club activities and for the members to communicate with each other via the Committee. The Club will never share membership information with third parties for marketing (inc. electronic marketing) purposes.

Membership records may be retained for up to three years after membership ceases, and may be used periodically to maintain contact and communicate information about Club events. The Membership Secretary will review the membership data periodically and delete any personal data from past members which is older than three years. Any past or prospective member can request that their personal information is deleted with immediate effect. We keep historical records about the Club, for example, the programme, competitions, award winners, and membership numbers.


Anybody wishing to verify the information held about them by the Club should write to the Committee or Membership Secretary using the contact details published on the website. Unless a legitimate reason exists, a response will be provided as soon as practical. The individual has a right to rectify any information which is incorrect, or request that it is deleted. Any concerns relating to a data privacy matter should be addressed to the Committee or Membership Secretary.

Interclub Events

Participating in inter-club events may require personal information and images to be provided to another organisation and we will ask members to agree to this in advance.

Who Has Access to Your Data?

Members of the Committee have access to data in order for them to carry out their legitimate tasks for SACC such as contacting members. They cannot use your data for any other purpose.

Who is Your Data Shared With?

Member’s data is not passed on to external organisations - with the following exceptions:

  • Entries to external competitions / photographic events. Members permit this by agreeing that their images can be submitted by SACC, and give their consent for the results to be published.
  • Where required to do so by law or our insurance company in the event of an insurance claim or a safety related emergency.
  • Should SACC adopt a web-based application for the submission of entries and recording of marks for SACC competitions this may require SACC to share the name and e-mail address of members.

How is Your Data Stored?

Membership Data is mainly stored in digital form on private computers with some back-up paper records held by SACC Committee Members. SACC will take reasonable steps to ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to ensure the confidentiality of all data.

How Can You Check What Data SACC Holds About You?

Please contact any Committee Member or the Membership Secretary.

How Can You Ask For Data to be Removed, Limited, or Corrected?

Please contact any Committee Member or the Membership Secretary.

How Long Do We Keep Data For, and Why?

We normally keep member's data for up to three years after a member leaves SACC in case they later wish to rejoin. Images belonging to a member should be removed from the website within three years of the member leaving the club. We will retain historical information in relation to competition entries, trophies, and published articles such as a newsletter. Other data, such as relating to accounting matters is kept for the legally required period.

What is the Legal Basis for Keeping Your Data?

Information is kept and managed in line with the principles of data protection in General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). We will make reasonable efforts to comply with these principles.

What About SACC and Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp?

SACC has a presence on all the above-mentioned social media. All Club members are free to join these pages. If you join one of these please note that providers of the social media platforms have their own privacy policies, and that the Club does not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies or the use of your personal data on them. Please check these policies before you join any social media platforms, which is normally required before you subscribe or follow the SACC presence on them. Please also be aware your name may be shared with other club members if you join the Club's WhatsApp Group.

Privacy Policy - Guidance Specifically for SACC Committee Members DATA SECURITY

  • All Committee members are obliged to keep the personal data of Club members confidential.
  • Only current lists should be retained. Out of date lists should be deleted.
  • Ensure that any member's data held electronically is stored on a password protected PC.
  • Ensure that any member's data that is held on paper is stored securely.
  • Contact details of one member must not be given to other club member without the consent of the first member.


  • Any Committee Member wishing to e-mail the club membership must send the e-mail to themselves and blind copy (SACC) all other recipients.
  • Any other Club member wishing to contact the whole membership must send their e-mail to a member of the Committee for onward distribution.


Committee members should review the Privacy Policy at the first Committee meeting of each new season. This will help to ensure that new Committee members are made aware of SACC's Privacy Policy.


Membership List. This data is used to administer membership of the Club, communicate with members about the Club Programme, social events, meetings, and other legitimate matters connected to the functioning of the Club.

Membership Fees Paid. Are recorded on the Master Membership List.

Lists of Competition Entries. With images, names and any distinctions. Digital Projected Images (DPI's) submitted for club competitions and DPI's of print competition entries with author's names. This data is compiled from information submitted by members upon entering internal and external competitions.

Internal Competition Archive. Lists of entries to all SACC internal competitions. Data includes images, names, and distinctions. These lists are compiled after the Club competitions in order to manage the competition rounds, and to archive submitted images.

External Competition Archives. Lists of entries to all external competitions that SACC takes part in. Data includes images, photographer's name, and any distinctions. These lists are compiled to ensure the Club complies with the rules of external competitions.

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Please contact any committee member if you require any advice or guidance regarding the club Privacy Policy.