Safeguarding Policy


    The aim of St Austell Camera Club (SACC) is to promote the art, science, and appreciation of photography within its membership, and the wider community. In this context, young people and vulnerable adults are welcome to visit the club. In addition, we hold an annual exhibition which may be visited by young people of any age. The club has a legal duty of care to people in these groups and in order to safeguard the interests of all members, the following policy shall apply.


    The legislation refers to the protection of vulnerable adults and young people under the age of 18 in respect of: Sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, health and safety issues and protection of personal data. The club is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain and as such our policy is based on the guidelines they issue to all photographic clubs.


    Any person under the age of 18, must be accompanied at all times by a parent or legal guardian when involved in club activities (including outside events under the control of the club). The parent or guardian does not need to be a club member. Vulnerable adults are welcome to attend the club. Membership and the needs of the vulnerable person, will be considered by the committee, on a case-by-case basis. If a person normally receives the service of a carer, then they should be accompanied by that carer, at all times during all club activities who would not have to pay for entry. None of the activities of the club fall within the definition of unsupervised or ‘regulated’ activity with vulnerable groups. Club members and officers will therefore not be required to work with a child or vulnerable adult unsupervised.

    During club meetings and events, images covering a wide range of styles and content are shown. The range and content of these images should be similar to those acceptable to be displayed in general public exhibitions. Whether or not images are appropriate to show at the club should be judged in this context.

    We expect all club members to follow best practice when entering child photography into the annual exhibition or monthly challenges. All images of children must be deemed appropriate and final submission of images is at the discretion of the committee.


    All members of the club should take reasonable care to consider the health and safety of young people and vulnerable adults who are members or visitors to the club. Neither should be asked to handle or operate equipment, for example, which might be beyond their capability in whatever way.


    Allegations of incidents set out in section (2) of this policy should be reported to any member of the committee in confidence, who in turn should pass these on immediately to the President (or in his or her absence, another officer of the club). The President shall liaise with one of the other officers or another member of the committee in deciding what action should be taken. This could include sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know such as the police or social services and involving parents or a guardian or carer as appropriate. A copy of all written records, reports, notes and correspondence relating to any incident, will be kept by the Secretary.


    A database of members’ contact details is maintained by the club. Care is taken to protect this information in line with the Data Protection principles and the GDPR legislation. Please see separate policy. The contact details of any young member or vulnerable adult will be included in this database if the responsible person agrees in writing that this can be done once an explanation of how the data will be used and kept is given.


    This policy will be reviewed regularly and immediately after any reported incident.

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Please contact any committee member if you require any advice or guidance regarding the club Safeguarding Policy.