St Austell Art Group Collaboration

This season we have joined St Austell Art Group to form a collaboration, linking photography to the arts.

The Art Group came along in November 2024, to choose three images from the camera club archive. The idea was to interpret the photograph from a different perspective. Members of the art group painted their own interpretation of one of the three images.

It is often questioned whether photography is an art, well yes of course it is. It takes a creative mind to spot a particular subject or a composition and then use editing tools to express how the photographer wants the image to be seen.

At the beginning of February, the camera club were invited to the Art Group on one of their weekly meetings at Pattern hall, Charlestown, where we were asked to judge the pictures submitted by their members. You can see the images here, and how diverse some of them are in comparison to the originals. As a group we scored the paintings and decided on 1st 2nd and 3rd places. Kevin dyer presented the winners with the trophies supplied by the art group.

It was a fun and interesting way to join together. We are looking forward to another collaboration next season. The art group have recently been growing in numbers partly due to their annual exhibition held at the Pattern Hall during regatta week.

They have a varied programme of events including guest demonstrations, members own work evenings and a handful of competitions where they judge their own work. They are taken a little less seriously than the camera club, although that does not diminish the competitiveness of the artists as there is also a prize cup and gift tokens to be won.

Meeting on a Monday evening and during the summer we organise a handful of outdoor painting meet ups. There is a varied range of members skills where we all learn from each other [usually during the mid-evening cup of tea).

During the winter break the club members were busy drawing and painting with their interpretations from the chosen camera club photos and on our return to the club being judged by the camera club making an interesting evening.